I got a huge compliment at my ‘regular’ job this spring – an editing project that took up all my ‘spare’ time (lots of overtime!) through the last half of February, and most of March.  And yes, I do still think editing is fun….

Perhaps “satisfying” is a better word for it. There is just something about getting all that grammar, punctuation, and word usage just right, so that the words someone has written turn into a piece of writing of which they can be proud.

More recently, I’m completing round 2 (3?) of the aforementioned editing while recuperating from pneumonia. Being sick is a setback to a lot of my plans this spring, but I’m trying to tolerate the enforced inactivity so that I don’t end up even more sick. It’s pretty darned tiresome to sit around doing absolutely nothing for 9 days straight (so far)…  Wish me luck!